vTrail Map 2020
This year again the LevelUp team along with Veeam have been super hard at work and have created a phenomenal interactive version of the vTrail Map this year. I really do think they have smashed it out of the park. I am truly honoured to be an ambassador of this programme again.
So what is this project all about? Quite simply it is a great guide for anyone wanting to get started within the community or quickly get up to date.
Its live now here but there are some gamification (role‑playing adventure) and prizes coming to this during VMworld so I can not wait to start playing this
I have even already found the OpenTechCast in here
I have also been told there are members of the community and easter eggs that should be available on some pages. I do wonder if I can find a cool little 8bit sprite of myself! (If you find one do let me know!)
For me the only downside is I can not hand out the physical copies over the breaks, in the community lounges or even saying Hi during the meals! Let’s hope we can do this again next year. If you do know someone new to the community please do share this with them by spamming their DMs or mailbox