vExpert Shirts EU 2018
Firstly I want to thank anyone who purchased a shirt and supported this! I hope you are still enjoying them. This is one of the things I did in 2018 and was proud…
Conference Tips for 2018
Where to stay…. This year I took a leaf out of a mentor for myself’s book (Ather Beg) who kindly hosted me in my first VMworld so I decided to search out for…
Plesk Built by Terraform on AWS
I have been debating for sometime where I start putting my new projects and potentially move some of my blogs so I can start using some CDNs and one of my thoughts was…
VMworld 2018 Europe Day 2/3
So the next two days I lost some of my content for hence the delay in posting but I want to get some of this up there! Mainly so I can also reflect…
Terraform, Terrawhat, TerraARGH, TerraYAY!
So I recently gave my Terraform talk at the UKVMUG so thank you to the team and also anyone who came. It was also nice that people interacted with me and also approched…
UKVMUG Charity Bag
So last week I attended the UKVMUG and I was fortunate enough to speak there (which is another blog post) but myself and Rob Bishop decided to auction off some of our ‘swag’…