VMworld 2020 Annoucements – More stuff to come!
With the general session underway and a few of the announcements coming from this I just wanted to highlight a few of which caught my eye. Of course I want to deep dive in a few more of these even with some of the content I have already seen but I feel each of these needs a HOLs or follow up session so I can offer the best view 🙂
vRealize AI Cloud

I think this is an interesting concept and I want to get a bit more under the hood of this mainly because I was to see how this categorises data. I want to see how far the brush or recommendations go, is it possible to fine tune your platform to say well I am a VDI customer or in the data science industry and it compares your tuning against others in the same sector
Cloud Vision

I feel that this slide sums things up nicely and we can see journey and acquisitions that has really brought some great features front and centre for example bitfusion and Datrium
Following on cloud be that private or public there are some new great sizes available in VMware Cloud on Dell EMC

Also the expansion of AWS, I still feel this is the way many companies may go being able to seamlessly blend emerging tech with what they are used to today with VMware. Again it’s all about data locality and move your data and apps closer together and leveraging all these amazing services.

Its also great to see new host sizes on the horizon with VSAN compression enabled

There is also VMWare Transit Connect and I really want to get my teeth into how this plays out architecturally. Especially for customer how may already have something in place with transit gateways and an existing direct connect

Security and DR
As more people are encouraged to work from home the security landscape is changing along with the service we offer to our internal and external clients. Of course the biggest thing still lurking out there is Ransomware and they are getting nastier and more under better concealment by the day but I feel that this is an interesting slide as we all used to be worried about a power cut or flood but those are no longer our biggest risks

Not VMware related but this version caught my eye in the press that uses virtualisation technologies to hides itself https://news.sophos.com/en-us/2020/05/21/ragnar-locker-ransomware-deploys-virtual-machine-to-dodge-security/
I really want to put a lot about the Datrium acquisition in here along with VMware Cloud Disaster Recovery but I honestly thing that needs a whole post in its own right as its a very attractive proposition especially if you do not want the hassle of another DC or DR site.
Following on from this as a security aspect the below slide really again ties things up nicely for me. Now we are in a Remote First landscape with more people working from home the blur or work and personal devices is only becoming more apparent.

This again I feel rather than a massive overload in this post I want to explore the Zero trust architecture better and how you can transition to this.
I think finally on security before I go in depth on some of these things is the ability for vRealize Network Insight to work with 3rd Party vendors so you can drag in that valuable information that helps add to a better overall picture as you may journey to a full NSX implementation

Stay tuned over the coming days and I hope to expand on all these things 🙂