#vExpert,  VMware

VMworld 2018 Europe 0/1

So its that time of the year again, its conference season! I can certainly say I do feel for all the vendors as I for one I am tired after this VMworld and I still have a few events ahead of me!

This year I also challenged myself and I spoke at VMworld a few times and I will put some links in the summary below

Firstly I have to thank the VMTN team and also vBrownBag for giving me to opportunity to speak and also come on a bloggers pass. This has certainly developed me as an individual and also within the community. Also all the guys who put up with me in the apartment for the days there, I will have a separate post on this but happy to say they made my time so much more enjoyable!

The only negative thing (again covered in another post) is the fact one of the guys was pick pocketed in front of us! It happened so fast there was nothing we could really do but it has made me think twice about packing strategies. This did also mean I never made it physically to the Hackathon but I was there in spirit as I thought it was best we all stuck together that evening

So what else happened on day 0 (partner day) as for once I am a customer so not much for me to do this day! Admittedly I also arrived later in the day and wasn’t at the Fira to nearly 5PM as I found a business class flight for less than economy and decided to get the bus due to a bargain £20 return fare. Even in my electric car because of parking I couldn’t travel that cheap. Because of the above we all decided to hop just down the road from where we were staying to the Rubrik party. I have to say it was really well organised and we could actually hold a conversation in there without being too cramped. I also at long last got to put a face to the name such as Patrick Redknapp! I also bumped into some other great people such as the image below, I am sure this is why any of the UKVMUG crews are not allowed all in one place!

That poor photo booth! Needless to say the conversations deepened after this and not long after a few of us decided to head back as it was an early start for the 1st keynote.

A few of us were up nice and early but I am only going to summarize the bits that excited me from the keynotes as you can watch them here

After this I went to go look around solutions exchange and prep myself for the below sessions! You can click on them to watch the playbacks

Utilising Workspace ONE powered by AirWatch to automate your iOS & Mac builds [VMTN5509E]

Terraform, Terrawhat, TerraARGH, TerraYAY! [VMTN5510E] Skip to around 27 mins for my bit but great other content on this one

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