Nutanix .NEXT Copenhagen – Opening Keynote
So today is the first day for customers at .Next in Copenhagen and its a massive milestone for them being 10 years strong.
The show was opened with some of their key customers and partners and it was great to see some familiar faces and thanks to Andrea Mauro for the shout out to the vCommunity
Great to see @Andrea_Mauro and @BasRaayman on stage and many others @nutanix #NEXTConf in #Copenhagen #NutanixNTC #Bringback1clickmoretea
— Gareth Edwards (@GarethEdwards86) October 9, 2019
It was also great to get a massive shout out to the NTCs, also very humbled to see my picture up there
Community is key 🔑 a big shout out to the #NutanixNTC #makesomenoise #uponthebigscreen #alltogethernow @nutanix #NextConf all made possible thanks to @AngeloLuciani the #vCommunity wouldn’t be what it is without him
— Gareth Edwards (@GarethEdwards86) October 9, 2019
It was also really relieved to see that they are still doing their .Heart initiative to support charity especially for the people who do not want to come home with bags of swag. It’s also great seeing their support to Women in tech and a great way I can invest in the future by being here.
Another big thing I want to keep my eye on is the as I am sure this will have some interesting content soon
Their new campaign is about all being together and very much all in the 3’s Invisible, Trusted & Autonomous
It was interesting to hear the journey of AHV and how it sits alongside VMware to make each other resilient. I believe this is where they feel where some workloads can then burst into the public clouds with ease and then still work alongside what people are used to
The next thing up was all about XiLeap and making DR easy or rather not needing to think about it. I would highly watch the playback of the keynote about this as it was interesting see the RPO down to 1min over the internet and the floating internet address to still access the files. The humour of a dragon taking out your data centre with dragon fury was great but not something many of us could have planned for.
Now what was a bit of surprising news on this linked to their key tag about freedom of choice was you will soon be able to replicate an ESXI VM into the cloud with XiLeap
There are also some new data centres opening in due course
You can also sign up for a demo to try below
This was all followed up by a hardware portfolio refresh with Optane and an all NVMe node. It seems they are going to help accelerate this with HPE and their GPU platform to soon follow up with the lineup
Basically Greenlake is the as a service offering only charging customer for what they use like a cloud regardless of what is possibly onsite. Again this was all baked down to giving the customer choice
AVH Sync Rep and Metro availability with cross cluster live migration in the work could really help with in house systems. To me this I think will tie in with Karbon to make Kubernetes easy to manage and keep things all in sync. This followed into file and how to keep your data secure. It was also intriguing to see how they are tying in with hardware vendors to really go down to low level code to interface with the storage sub systems.
I did manage to grab a short clip of the live cluster migration with again something close to my heart gaming, it was quite cool to see this flip between clusters and storage with no downtime. I will hopefully have this up soon.
I am also interested to go to a few session to get some more information about Mine to see how the tiering works. It would be interesting so see if its as good as the marketing and I can forget about back up and data tiers
For me in my current role it was great to hear about the challenges from another Energy firm close to home and how they are trying to enhance their business.
Another section I want to cover in more detail is going to be their secure products and autonomous technologies of which I will probably cover in another post. Great to see how big enterprises could use servicenow and become hands off from the environment. It’s also nice to see how BlueMedora ties in and has the application aware monitoring.
Support insight also seems to be what Nimble Infosight did for the SAN world with health and support. It would be great to see this in action more but for new users its nice with the promise of how it ties them to a KB with real data
No major shock for me as I have been waiting for this but it will be interesting to see Nutanix on AWS fully in action in production. Welcome to see the tie in with the Amazon hardware on bare metal but the unique proposition here was you can utilise your current VPC and Credits already in place with Amazon. It will certainly save time for anyone who already has an investment in AWS and easy to get up and going in as little as 30 minutes.
I managed to grab a quick clip of the initialisation of this service below
The hibernate function seems interesting as it will collapse the cluster and put all the VMs and storage into S3 and you can bring it back for seasonal and burst workloads.
Well that was it for the morning key note and I hope to get more content throughout the day