Oracle,  VMware

Oracle Community Roundtable

It certainly is a busy time of year and it’s great to take a moment to catch up with things. Between all the cooking and trying to squeeze in a bit of the highly anticipated CP2077 I managed to get in a great webinar.

The webinar was hosted by the amazing John Troyer (Principal Product Manager – Oracle) who was also joined by Thom Greene (Principal Cloud Solutions Architect – Oracle)

The panel was moderated by Patrick Redknap

They were also joined by an outstanding community with vExperts from across Europe and the Middle East:

Abdullah Abdullah – @do0dzZZ

Barry Coombs – @VirtualisedReal

Erik Bussink – @ErikBussink

Jens-Henrik Soeldner – @JensSoeldner

Kim Bottu – @Kim_Bottu

Romain Decker – @woueb

If you want to watch it now head over here

I also just wanted to put a few of my bits in here but the panel was great at covering off all the things that I would usually do when helping someone with a digital transformation.

With a nice variety of panellists from different countries it was nice to hear the different challenges over data locality and not only from an application performance perspective. There was also a great section all about networking and security especially covering the basics such as routing even with views to burst your workload.

Another thing to maybe consider moving into 2021 was two other points raised such as who else has keys to your environment and the operational readiness. With all the working from home and 3rd parties looking after things how do you ensure there is engagement with the changes and also that things are still secure working in this manner. Also with all the remote working how do you share these new procedures with everyone.

I do not want to give much more away as I think its a great 50 minute investment listening to this webinar from all levels as Barry on here rightly puts it “focus on the outcomes and not the tech”. How do you start to use VMware on partners such as Oracle to your advantage. Is this the next enabler for your business as they have data centres close to you and you no longer want to manage them.

My 2p (2cent if over the pond) on this is I think much of this is going to come down the the user experience much like media services these days. Why do people go for one over the other and most often it’s the content and how this engages with the user. I for one am keen to give this a spin and see how this compares to the likes of the Ravello days and even VMware on other cloud providers.

You can also find out more below about Oracle Cloud VMware Solution:

Oracle Cloud VMware Solution provides a customer managed, native VMware-based cloud environment, installed within a customer’s tenancy and offers complete control using familiar VMware tools allowing you to move or extend VMware-based workloads to the cloud without rearchitecting applications or retooling operations.

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