Season 5,  VirtualDesignMaster

VDM Season 5 – Challenge 1

So it’s that time of the year again and Virtual Design Master is on again. I have decided to throw my hat in the ring again and take part. The first challenge was a very interesting one and had me stumped a little bit as it was so open. I tried to get in here what I can but a few personal demands found me struggling for the time which is a major shame.

I feel I should have asked way more questions and made fewer assumptions by getting these answered. Either way it’s inspired me to write another post about why I think you should do this before if not during your VCDX training or wanting to become an architect.

Either way I have enjoyed submitting this paper and just hope I can defend it to get through to week 2 as I know some bits may be missing. I wanted to get more automation/DevOps in there but I didnt have enough time to re look into Puppet, Ansible or Terraform.  It also does not help having a personal war with my own nerves knowing I got 2nd place last year so have already set myself a very high bar to achieve

Challenge 1 – Terraforming is just the beginning

Fancy giving it a go yourself here was our brief VDM-S5-Challenge-1

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