vDM Challenge 4:- Connecting Clouds (I made it to the final!)
Lets open this post with the fact I never thought I would make it this far and I am very proud in myself for doing so. I was up against two great competitors and I think we all did amazing and on that note I suggest you give them a follow as I know they will be brewing up a storm in the industry Katarina Wagnerova and Paul Woodward Jr
At this point I also want to thank all the sponsors, Judges and also tech partners who made this event and final challenge happen.
For me this challenge was great as I did manage to ‘get my hands dirty’ with the tech and try and show a few things off. Not everything went to plan but it also doesn’t in the real world and you usually have more time!
My key things to take away from this as said in the final webcast is always have a pen and paper and documents these in an appendix. Its just like your school exams, show your working as someone in the community or a peer may be able to help you. If you can also invest in a whiteboard to as for me it just helps blow some of these ideas up and gave me more room to move.
Secondly don’t be afraid to ask for help… this may be a competition but I found we all started emailing one another for help which I think is fine! The whole reason behind this is to build a community and this all starts with the fact we need to ask and help one another.
Alas I didn’t come first but I did come 2nd and I have learnt so much along the way. It has made me hungry for more! You can see the final defence over here
I also feel I have made some new contacts or better yet friends of which I hope to see at events over the coming months (or maybe years) and share further ideas with
My design is here and yet not my finest hour vDM Season 4 – Challange 4 – Connecting Clouds – Gareth Edwards but I want to congratulate Katarina on coming 1st 🙂 It was well deserved after deploying NSX in such a small environment and time frame. She must now be the NSX queen!
A few other documents I made for my design are here
vDM Season 4 – Challange 4 – Connecting To VPN and Password Management
I know I am going to be doing a few other blog posts from the scripts as I know I found some interesting bits about deploying the VSA and also images/OVAs with PowerCLI. I also want to get something up about Puppet and AWS