SWVMUG 15/09/2016
So at long last I made my first SWVMUG held at @Bristol of which I decided to be a speaker!
If any of the leaders are reading this thank you again for letting me do this even if it was a very intimate event with the amount of people we had. Either way it was so beneficial and really helped me develop.
Even though I fully tested my presentation of which looked fine on another projector and TV it appears AVIOD dark coloured slides no matter how good they look! Back to try drawing board for TechUG on the 29th! You can check out my presentation here if you want
Both vendors we had there really had a chance to tailor the event to the audience and really get us involved.
Barry summed the day up in one of his great doodles as always
Check out my doodle from today’s @swukvmug @amitpanchal76 @GarethEdwards86 @cohesity @Webroot #vmug pic.twitter.com/QqIAddRqFi
— Barry Coombs (@VirtualisedReal) September 15, 2016
I particularly liked Amit’s presentation as it was really thought provoking.
It was great to meet some new people and try a new venue. Anyone reading this all I can say is please support your local VMUG and make it to their next event. Even do a talk if you feel brave enough, its a great feeling once you have done it. I hope to make it back soon and maybe do another talk if I am allowed.