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Sunday of VMWorld US 2017 & General Session

Firstly I have to put out a major thanks to Rubrik for making this possible by selecting me as their competition winner. They are a great bunch of people and it was amazing to meet them in person at long last.

I also managed to meet loads of other people who I aspire to. It was just a shame I was too tired to get any photos but Angelo did manage to grab a snap


I know I will be covering this in a podcast I am doing on conference differences but America does it way bigger than us in Europe.

Firstly I want to cover a few key tips on VMworld survival


  1. Hydrate – This is key to beating jet lag and also so you don’t feel rough by the end of the day
  2. Don’t over pack – Just don’t! You will get tons of t-shirts, socks and other random things you will need to get home. Also check with your airline as you may be able to carry on an extra bag like British Airways. I can have a hand luggage bag and a laptop bag
  3. Plan Plan and then unplan – It is key to book sessions that are a must for you like I am doing NSX and VMware on AWS but book other interesting sessions and make as many as you can.
  4. Take a break – Go hunt out the hands on labs and go relax for a bit to let things settle in. It’s also a great place to learn and get on CloudCredibility also meeting NoellGrier @CloudCredGeek If I get time I may even relax by the pool for an hour with Melissa (@VMiss33) new book
  5. Community – This leads me in nicely to the community stuff. Do you see the VMTN guys and also get involved in the collaborative events such as the Hackathon. I will be writing a post about this once I have done it tonight. Community is key and make our whole ecosystem so vibrant and there are some many interesting people to meet and learn from.
  6. Network – Go meet new people, people you know of online or go find a friend from local VMUGs
  7. Power – Make sure you have adaptors and power packs…. You will need them! If you don’t have one there is always someone giving them away and go try and get one.
  8. Accommodation – Book this early and plan out any parties that you can. Luckily most mine appears to be near my hotel or a short walk between the hotels so that will save on transport
  9. Enjoy yourself – Also remember to enjoy yourself as you are around like minded individuals and you are all trying to achieve your goals


The hall holding the general session was also very large and I hope they take some of the cool bits from here and do them in Barcelona. The live art work was pretty cool

The keynote was pretty exciting for me and many great things have become generally available

  • VMware on AWS
  • VMware App Defence
  • Cyber Hygiene
  • NSX being the “secret sauce”


Here are a few of my tweets and resources for this



Here is a link thanks to Anthony Hook about the Cyber Hygiene White Paper https://t.co/NI9zU4Mi93 This excites me from my security perspective in the fact the industry is taking this more seriously


I have just finished my 1st few session of the day on AWS and again this is a really interesting technology. Not having to worry about rack and stacking or even running things at 80% + as well because host failures will only take a few hours till they are fixed and are no longer your issue.

This takes me back to my things of America does this way bigger than Europe.  As you can see below the rooms are much bigger than the one in Barcelona and also the lunch hall is massive

Also please do check out some of the official bloggers  such as Chris Bradshaw who I know from the London VMUG https://twitter.com/aldershotchris/status/902226011277975553


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