
Podcasting… Is it the new blogging? #vDM30in30

I know some of you reading this are fully aware of the podcast I am involved in being the Open TechCast

This whole project spawned from our Wiki the Open Homelab Project and you may ask why… Basically the wiki is great but as the subject states is this the only medium people use…

I have recently found no… blogging and wikis are just the some of the ways people digest this kind of information. Podcasts are extremely popular for many reasons but the main one is people can grab nuggets of info when commuting or even during office hours.

I am also starting to prefer using them as I find I can be much more expressive for various reasons and just allow ideas to flow. I also find it much hard to analyse what I have done as I can’t really go back and change it especially when you have a guest on.

I have also found it has inspired a confidence and passion within me that I didn’t know I had. I was even fortunate enough to interview and be part of interviews with some of the vRockstar within the community at VMworld, you can listen to these here and here.

I must say Amy Lewis really helped me with the first major one and it was great to interview her and she made me feel relaxed. I really hope we can chat again soon as I she has so many good ideas.

I will do another post about how to get started and what software to use but all you really need is an idea and passion. You can start as low as a generic mobile phone headset and free audio editing software. 

Give it a go and if you’re not sure its for you do reach out and join in on our show! I for one love it and will continue to do it and complement our Wiki and my blog.

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